Sami Yusuf || Wherever You Are
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Shot in California, Wherever You Are is a masterfully composed single, sung in three different languages, English, Farsi and Arabic. Like its predecessors, Wherever You Are holds a special charm and splendor.
Music by Sami Yusuf
English words by Sami Yusuf
Arabic words by Abdul Rahman Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf
My best times
Were when I felt close to you
But everything fell apart
The moment I strayed from you
In each smile
In every single sigh
Every minute detail
Traces of you are found there
Wherever you are I'll find you
Cause you're the one I turn to
Wherever you be I'll be with you
Cause you're the one my heart is to
I need you
Zamanul-ghareeb qaleelu-ssakan
The time of the stranger sees [less a peaceful] dwelling
Wa laylul-waheed katheeru-shajan
And the night of the lonely is filled with sobbing
Wa haiyythu takoon, sawfa aati
Wherever you are i'll (be) find you
Li'anaka anta ikhtiyyaru hayati
'Cause you are the will of my life
Wa haiyythu tureed wujoodi yajoodu
Wherever you are, my existence is found
fa'nta kalami inda sukati
For you are my words when i'm silent
Ya raja'i
O my hope
Wa haiyythu takoon
Wherever you are
Wa haiyythu tureed
Wherever you desire, i will go
Ilaiyyka taseeru-dduroob
To you the pathways flee
Wa antal-ba'eedul-qareeb
You are far but close
Wa antal-ghareebul-habeeb
You are the stranger and the beloved
Ara feeka noor annahar
I see in you the light of the day
Haneenan li ta'mi-ddiyyar
Longing for that sense of home
Haiyythu takoon
Wherever you are
Wa anta shifahun tuneeru layali
You're the light that brightens the nights
Ka'anaka ibtisamul-watan
As if you were the smile of the land
Wa anta jamalun ala baiyyti shi'rin
And you are the beauty in a poem
Yuradiduhu-nnasu abra-zzaman
That mankind sings throughout time
Ala kalimatin minka dhaba ightirabi
A word from you soothed my exile
Wa ansa bisawtika kulla adhabi
With your voice i forget my anguish
Wa haiyythuma takoon
Wherever you are
#SamiYusuf #AndanteRecords
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